Thursday, 26 May 2011

Sometimes it’s the simple things……

I know in my last post I complained (a little) about my life flying by at the moment, and there is a “good” reason for it.  But as I posted that last entry on my blog I realised that I miss blogging. In amongst all the day to day chaos I try and find five minutes to blog hop.  I don’t leave comments most of the time as I just hop on to the next blog having read, made a note of something interesting and added a new blog to my huge list of blogs to read and check back on.  See, I haven’t completely abandoned blogland, just my blog.

After all that it got me thinking about the simple pleasures in life, and I have decided to start a new feature on my blog, “Simple Things”. Imaginative title don’t you think?! LOL.  I dare say I won’t be the first to do it either, but hey,  I’d love it if you joined in with me.  If you do, leave a comment and I’ll drop by your blog to find out what it is that brightens your day.  I’m going to attempt to do this once a fortnight – I know in my heart of hearts weekly is just too much at the moment.

Without further a-do, here are my simple pleasures at this point in time.


My latest pair of shoes.  In my mind, foot perfection. I love to just look at them, I just wish it would stop raining so I can wear them more.


And my hardest working pair of shoes, my running shoes.  Yep, I’ve started running again. In a fashion anyway, but I’m getting there.  No marathons just yet.

Don’t forget to leave me a comment and a link to your blog if you decide to share your simple pleasures with me. I hope you do.

what happened?

Ahhh, life is just flying by way too fast at the moment, and I don’t seem to have two minutes to myself.  Last weekend was Rosie’s birthday and her chosen day out was to a chocolate factory! She’s been watching Willy Wonka. A lot. So, here she is loaded up into the car, complete with sunglasses, Princess tiara, birthday badge and pink monster.  Well, you have to don’t you.  Off we headed to Cadbury World.  I did explain it wasn’t going to be quite the same as Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory (the Tim Burton version), but big PHEW, she loved it..and all that pink princess birthdayness got us tons of extra chocolate as well.  Go girl!  See, I knew there was a reason why we had kids.

Outside of that, here’s a few more Moleskines…..
I dare you to lose a red one in your bag!

Right then, it’s a quick love you and leave you. Again. Tons to do and the sooner I do it, the sooner I’ll get my life back and be able to create something other than chaos.  Ahhh, it’s good to dream.  Until next time..byeeee.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

have you seen.....

what's over on the top right hand side of my blog.....?

I just couldn't contain myself any longer.  This is where all those moleskines are going.  Over the next couple of weeks I'll share peeks of what else will be "in store".

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

slowly slowly…


I’d like it to go a little faster but as they say, all good things come to those who wait.  Hmmm, guess I’ll just have to get over this waiting lark then.

Oh – I tweet now.  Come follow me (and the moleskines) @sprinkleimagine

Saturday, 7 May 2011

the Moon….

This weekend I am spending my time “pratting around” at Art from the Heart, but extra special time as it on a workshop with Dina Wakley – Sun, Moon and Stars.  Today was the turn of moon and rather than babble on about it, here’s a few shots of my journal in progress.

One of my tags featuring what has to be my current favourite stamp.

Backgrounds drying off.

And my almost finished journal. I just adore it.  I will be making more like this.  It’s been so much fun.  Yesterday we did our Sun journal and tomorrow its the turn of the Stars… I’ll share those with you next time.

As always, Thanks for stopping by.