This is not normal behaviour for me but WHOOP WHOOP!!
That’s me! “Designer Vicki Abrathat….”
I cannot tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to be in the October edition of Scrap365. I bolted to the front door when the postie came this morning and I heard the thud of something heavier than the phone bill landing.
Not just one page either….
Not even two pages – a whopping four page feature!! I did not expect that I can tell you. I won’t share all four pages just in case you’ve not got your hands on a copy yet. But I can highly recommend this edition! I can’t say enough how thrilled I am to see my project and how it’s been presented. I really do hope you all love it too.
What’s more in the Scrappers Bazaar on pages 18 & 19 there’s a fabulous giveaway from a great little shop I know.
I’m now going to spend the day with a huge smile on my face while I bake pies and cupcakes.