Friday, 2 January 2009

Grateful & Thinking of You

On the 16th December 2008 I am grateful for so many things in my life, but this page lists the first things that came in to my mind that morning.

The ability to laugh - a small that keeps me sane at times.
Online shopping - an all year round pleasure in my house.
Sausage Roll Saturdays - a weekly ritual where we walk into town to do a few little things but it must always include a visit to the bakers for fresh baked sausage rolls that the children eat on the way back home.
Being married to my best friend - don't think there is much more to add to that. Chris is my best friend. I'd be lost without him.
Having a creative hobby - I need that outlet.
Being able to stay at home with the kids.
The love in my Life.
and finally - Nigella Lawsons cook books!

Thinking of You.

Each year I keep a list of present ideas for Chris. I'm not a spontaneous buyer for the most part. Some of the ideas on my list are one's that he has given me, some are my own ideas. Has to be said that my own ideas are often things he will eventually come up with himself anyway. maybe it takes the surprise away, or maybe it means I don't often get it too wrong.

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