Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Do you see what I see?

On Day Eight....I spy....
The first signs of Christmas in our house are small things as we don't normally put our decorations up this early in the month. This year we have changed that slightly as on Sunday we put up the "White Christmas Tree" in the family room. As a result the loft was emptied of its boxes of decorations and the Christmas garlands have been hung on the children's bedroom doors.

I've gone around the house spying small signs that Christmas is on it's way. Piles of presents waiting to be wrapped and hidden away from the children in a wardrobe. Bags full of rolls of wrapping paper waiting to be used. Garlands on doors and lights on the tree and a small golden box that Jamie made me at nursery. I'm under strict instructions not to open it until Christmas is here! There is so much more to come over the next two weeks in readiness for the big day.

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